"We have posted about this very multi-talented and promising Ukrainian designer before. Now Masha Reva and SYNDICATE of Kiev collaborate on a new series: Botanical Layers. These original prints will be available on limited edition sweat shirts the end of this month, November 2012. The collection juxtaposes immersion in the rapid pace of contemporary life, gadgets and social networks with a yearning for our natural environment, explored as a metaphorical botanical garden of Photoshop layers and loading bars. To preorder yours, send your choice of design and size, along with your country and telephone number to your@syndicateshop.com.ua. The sweatshirts will be available in sizes Small and Medium on November 28th 2012." [via]
photo – Synchrodogs
model – Lada Matis
Make-up/hair – Yuliya Tishchenko
styling/idea/accessorize by Masha Reva
More information at www.sndct.com
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